
Friday, April 28, 2017

Mirror Selfie // GRAPHIC

Hi guys! 

Yes, I'm aware it's been four months since I last posted here. Well, oops...

I won't bother you with pointless excuses nor make up reasons for my inactivity, since those probably mean nothing to you, but I will say I'm sorry.

Without further ado, I present to you...

*drum roll*

Not one, not two, but two versions of the same graphic!

Okay, that wasn't so exciting. 

But anyways, here we have two versions of my newest mirror selfie graphic, one with some random room in the background, and other almost without background. I wanted to try something new so I went on and attempted to draw a 'real' background - using only mouse and a few brushes, mind you! It doesn't look the best to me, but it does look like the background on the picture I used as a reference so I guess it's not that bad. 
I really like how the graphic itself turned out to be - the shading is not too bad (especially top and jeans, which I'm quite proud of). I used an older shading technique for skin and I was happy (and inda surprised) to find out that it looks as good as - or maybe even a  little bit better? than - the shading technique I used recently (this one s also quicker so that's a plus yay).

Anyways, what do you think about this graphic? Leave a comment or, simply, tick a box. ;D

xoxo, Lina♥

Sunday, January 29, 2017

Harley Quinn // GRAPHIC

Hello everybody!

After some time, I'm back into business (kinda... not really lol) of making graphics! Yay.

Today I present to you a graphic which I started about two months ago, finished few weeks ago and was too lazy to publish until now.

Yep, it's Harley! :'3

It's also the first graphic I have made using a graphic tablet (and graphic tablet only!) - if I don't count that hair graphic I did for practice - and I really like how it turned out to be, especially the hair. It's far from perfect, of course, but it looks good enough for me.

I know I'm really unactive and that almost no one reads this, but if anyone were to see this and drop a'd reall make my day. :)

xoxo, Lina ♥

Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Melanie Martinez // GRAPHIC

Hello everyone!

As many (if not all) of you already know, I closed my main Stardoll blog about a month and a half ago. Since then, a lot of things happened in my life and, to be honest, I'm kinda glad I didn't have to take care of a blog on top of everything. But still, there was a part of me which missed blogging and everything that comes with it, and that's why I've decided to at least post something here.

It's nothing (most of) you haven't seen before - my Melanie Martinez graphic.

As you could probably notice, I added a few details (tear), and fixed some places that really bothered me.

What I like about this graphic is definitely detailed shading - well, mostly detailed shading. I'm really proud of hands and hair, but I feel like neck and top could use some more work; especially top, which I was too lazy to finish properly.

As always, I would like to read your opinions and advices. 

'Till next time, 

xoxo, Lina

P.S. I was thinking about occassionally posting some other stuff (like OOTDs or makeup looks) here. Would you like to see that? Or should I leave this blog as it is, a strictly graphic blog? Let me know in the comments section. :)

Saturday, July 30, 2016

Hair PNG + Sneak Peek

Hello everyone!

Long time no see... I'm sorry for abandoning this blog again. I didn't have much time for graphics lately and I was just generally preoccupied with other stuff.

But anyways, now I'm here, ready to show you a graphic I just finished today.

I put much effort into it and I think it was definitely worth it. I can see much improvement since my last post here. It's so summer-y, and I love it.
As you probably can tell, it's not entirely finished yet. Some areas could still use some work; for example, the neck area. When I'm completely done and satisfied, this is going to be something for my Stardoll blog. So, stay tuned. ;)

And, here is the hair PNG. 
Feel free to use it, but please give me some credit or at least don't mark it as your own work. :)

I'm looking forward to hearing your opinions and advices; I am always trying to improve  my technique (and English too, as you already know (and can tell from reading this), English is not my first language).

xoxo, Lina

Sunday, June 5, 2016

Soxo_ // REQUEST

Hello everyone!

I honestly don't remember the last time I posted something here. I'm 8th grade (=last year of primary school) and my life is becoming pretty hectic. Luckily, it's all behind me now since all the exams are finished and I have only one week of school left, in which I'll basically do nothing.

Anyways, I wanted to show you the graphic I made for Soxo_ .

Well... it looks okay. Not among my best, but okay. I never was very good at drawing real life faces, so I guess you could call this an improvement. And, well, I like the hair and arm shading.

Opinions, advices and constructive criticism are welcome. :)

xoxo, Lina

Saturday, November 14, 2015

QueenDoll639 graphic // REQUEST

Hello! (:

I finally finished graphic for QueenDoll639 and I decided to post it here.

I've put lot of effort in it, especially into sleeves, which were probably hardest to make. 
I like how the clothes turned out, it looks rather realistic in my opinion. Hair is not bad too. 
I'm actually pretty pleased with the results.

What do you think? I'd like to hear all your advice, criticism and opinions. :)

xoxo, Lina

Friday, September 4, 2015


Hello everybody! c:

I finally finished graphic I've been working on this week. It's something for my main blog. 

Now I see that I have to fix a few tiny details, but apart from that, I'm pretty pleased with the results. I should try working in GIMP more often, lol.

But, what do you think? Write your opinions down in the comment section, or, simply, tick a box. :D

xoxo, Lina